Originally Posted by NCPMom
Ds8 and his aunt, who lives with us, have a strange language - I'm pretty sure it has a name, but they tend to keep it to them selves. She is in her late 50's, (as is dh - I'm a decade behind LOL), and ds spends alot of time with her on weekends, they keep each other out of trouble smile I think it started when she pretended to be an alien, who had landed here and knew NOTHING. Ds had to explain anything and everything to her, from the simplest stuff. It was a way for her to find out how much he knew on a certain subject (he's a great one for claiming he knows nothing) - but when he has to explain stuff to the alien, it's amazing what he DOES know. They communicate in a made up language at times, though I don't know if there are real words in there or just strange sounds that mean nothing to them.

wow, awesome aunt!!