"I think the thing that's important to remember (which we were always having to remind ds' teachers about!) is that just because a kid with dysgraphia can produce legible handwriting, it doesn't make the dysgraphia go away - the actual act of handwriting still takes all the child's working memory, so there's nothing left over to focus on the other elements of writing such as spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence formation, writing content etc."

I am convinced this is what's going on with my DD18, there must be something more than ADD and anxiety preventing her from being able to produce timely written work.

How did you all get the disgraphia diagnosis? My DD had all of the problems above when she was younger (but possibly to a lesser degree so maybe she just went under the radar?)...I asked the educational diagnostician that just tested her if they had ruled out disgraphia and she said she didn't see anything during the testing that would lead her to think of disgraphia or dislexia (despite the odd pencil grip, lack of left-right distinction, perpetually untied shoes, and DD freezing up completely during the written portion of the IQ test to the point of having to be verbally prompted to discuss her answer and then put it on paper - even then with only part of the answer actually making on to the paper).