Originally Posted by La Texican
�Why should a bright kid get�MORE education Than EVERybody else? Because anyone who wants more should have it. �What a stupid thing to fight over. �Mom! �He's hogging the schoolwork!

There are at least two reasons bright kids should get more education:
(1) They are are more educable. As Charles Murray discusses in "Real Education", it probably takes an IQ of 115 to really study at the college level. If true, that means about 5/6 of the population is not college-educable, although of course colleges can reduce standards and pass out diplomas -- which they have done.

I'd guess that an IQ of 100 is needed to produce a high school graduate who can (for example) master Algebra II and write a persuasive essay citing sources. Lots of people don't belong in high school, but they are stamped as "drop-outs" if they don't do their time.

(2) Smart people tend to enjoy education more. People like what they are good at.

The most talented tennis players should get more and better tennis coaching, the most talented pianists the most piano instruction, and the most intelligent the most academic instruction from the brightest teachers.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell