DD9 (ADHD, dyslexia) is only three months into school and I don't honestly know how I am going to make it through the rest of the school year. How many times can you hug your child, dry their tears and try to convince them that they are not 'the dumbest person in the class' before you just can't do it anymore? Her teacher is trying her hardest to implement all the accomodations that DD needs, but with a class of 26 (and four others with extensive accomodations)it just isn't enough. I know DD is struggling with math class and I work with her on whatever topic she is struggling with. Biased parenting aside, my kid is damn smart. I only have to explain a concept once and she is off and running. She just needs one-on-one instruction. She cannot pay attention to class instructions and she can't read questions well enough to do independent work OR tests. She has failed more math tests this year than she has passed. Each time, the teacher works with her or sends home the work and then lets her redo the test. But the toll that the 'failure' is taking on DD is unmeasurable.

Is it unreasonable to ask the teacher for a copy of her curriculum so that I can pre-teach DD the concepts? Ten minutes spent going over a concept in advance would make all of the difference to her. The farther we get into grade 4, the more I realize that she is hitting the brick wall I have often heard described. I have always maintained that I can't homeschool DD because her and I butt heads so badly, but we are at a point right now that I worry for her mental health if something doesn't change quickly. Has anyone had success with homeschooling one subject?? I would happily get her a tutor and have her bypass math in school altogether. She sure as heck couldn't do any worse than she is doing right now.

I don't know if I am looking for advice or just venting?
Mostly, I just want to kick something... hard.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery