Thanks. I am sure you are right -- it comes from the top down. Given they are the same district the "supposedly" have the same approach. But I do know the principal really runs the team and decides how on board they are. We are at the smaller school and I am just finding they really do not know what to do with my DD6, who still hasn't been tested -- but will be this year -- and what to do with her. While they seem to be interested in helping her, they are really falling down on the execution. Maybe the larger school with more gifted kids would be more experienced in what to do and how to handle her needs?? I am stumped!

Either way, she will be identified this year (unless she isn't but I kind of doubt it, and the standards are the same at both schools). And the "other" bigger school is almost equidistant for us -- we just need to put in for a transfer. I hear it is the "best" in the district for gifted -- and this was from a SENG group leader/facilitator who I guess should know?

What to do!? What to do!?