The Art of Problem Solving class is once a week in the evening (late afternoon for Pacific Time). There is a weekly homework, as well as 4 challenge sets (about once a month). In addition, they also need to keep up with Alcumus. On average, they need to spend about 5-8 hours a week, including the time they spend in online class.

So that's what our son does during math time at school: working independently on Alcumus or weekly homework, which will involve working through some problems on the textbook, too. When he has questions, he has his textbook that he can refer to at school, or I'll help him once he's home.

It's not ideal since his interaction with classmates is limited to online interaction, rather than the physically in the classroom during math time. However, given the choice between this or working at a very slow pace at school, he happily chooses AoPS/Alcumus.