Wow St. Pauli Girl,

I have to think that you were a least a little bit suspicious that he was HG+ or else you wouldn't have been hanging out on this board for the last 6 weeks. I imagine that a lot of parents of MG kids check in here, maybe read some stuff (I hope it's helpful), but then move on because our stories and experiences don't feel like "home" in the same way they do for parents in the HG+ category. So I think that somewhere in your mom's instinct you knew something was up.

We did not early entrance our DS into K. And we had such a fun year--we took several family trips and at 5 DS was able to get a lot out of them. We also sent him to live with his grandparents on a farm for 2 weeks while DH and I went to England. I loved the flexibility of not having him in school, but the independence of not being a toddler. I'm so glad we didn't early entrance him.

I think he's old enough now that he would let me report (thinking of your DS's wet pants) that DS loves to laugh very loudly and very dramatically and that this has always posed a bladder issue for him. It's one of the reasons we never thought of skipping him--his academic abilities were several years ahead but his bladder abilities were delayed. No one needs that in middle school! But it has finally caught up and we are all very grateful.