Hi Camille ~ We've been doing partial homeschooling for the past few years and absolutely LOVE it! It all started with needs not being met in the regular classroom or in the pullout gifted program. After a WISC, an SB5, an achievement test, plus lots and LOTS of paperwork, documentation up the wazoo ... The principal and teachers all agreed it would be best to partial homeschool and it has been the best. When we started, I had him in the mornings for math, science, social, language arts... Then I would drop him off in the afternoon for all the specials such as art, gym, music, lunch, recess...This year he got subject accelerated in most subjects (different school) but I still bring him back home for an hour in the afternoon to work on some online classes he's taking through a university. I also bring him back to his younger grade to participate in most of the field trips, orchestra, and sometimes art or math if it falls on a particular day. He has very close friends at both schools and has the type of personality that can handle all of the different schedules. As you can probaby tell, I spend A LOT of time in the car driving him back and forth between his two schools and home. Luckily, everything is within minutes of each other. If I didn't have the distance luck or the support of staying at home to do this, I honestly don't know what I would have done. Both schools are unbelievably flexible and understanding of everything, BUT I had to have all the back up with test scores and several emotional meetings, where I'm crying and well...you get the picture! My child is thriving and everyone is happy. True, it's a pain in the butt at times with the driving back and forth and remembering all of the different schedules (my phone has about a million alarms set!) There are days when he has to miss out on something because a class or whatever is more important at the other school or other scheduling mishaps, BUT it is so worth it. It's the best of both. I look at it as my full-time job and wouldn't have it any other way smile smile smile