After writing professionally as a contributor to local, regional, and national publications, I usually look up the author of articles that intrigue me - as I did this one. Psychology Today: Joseph Cardillo The author doesn't seem to be quite a "just anybody" - although I'm sure his focus of studies would likely skew the article to his point of view.

Originally Posted by JonLaw
Originally Posted by ultramarina
Although I acknowledge the importance of discussing the PG, I do worry a little that examples like that make people go back to the whole "Giftedness = calculus at 8" thing. DD is 7 and has no idea who Virigina Woolf is or what string theory is, nor is she ready for that, but her needs were absolutely not met in a regular classroom...

Interesting piece. Poorly edited, though.

It's psychology today, where anyone can write any articles on anything. Editing isn't it's strong point. Nor is accuracy. Nor is content. Sometimes I argue in the comments section in various articles for entertainment purposes. It's fun!

I would have been into string theory when I was 7. But only as it relates to cosmology.