Thanks so much -- I feel awful actually that I haven't supported this level of reading as a mom, let alone that I didn't push for the school to (yet). Honestly, she's always been self-lead and I don't think she'd think to pick out something besides Judy Moody or Magic Treehouse without being offered it, you know? And I just assumed b/c she still enjoyed those books they were still OK. And actually her reading score from the spring -- so end of Kindergarten -- was 198. So she went up 23 points -- is that an unusual jump? Or kind of what gifted kids do? (I am having a hard time even using that term as she hasn't even been IQ tested yet, so I do not really know she's gifted for sure).

Her teacher yesterday kept saying "she's just a kid. and we don't want to push her or give her too much. she needs downtime. and you really have to make sure she is comprehending..." and like I said she said (very confidently!) she was reading at a 3rd grade level.

So, if I ask for subject acceleration, what grade would you recommend being appropriate?? Is it enough to go to second grade for reading?