Thanks to all so much for your replies. Our son was evaluated by a psychologist (neuro?) and had about 7 hours of testing. We had a verbal report for various reasons and will meet with the psych. next week for a thorough review of the report. She did say she did not find adhd. We were expecting to hear an adhd (inattentive) diagnosis. Our pediatrician does feel it is likely adhd. Do any of you have a child with low processing speed and but not adhd who also struggle with organization, turning in complete assignments etc? DS also suffers from frequent headaches (he has been fully tested and it is most likely hereditary- myself, 2 of my sibling, my mom) It is possible the teacher is seeing that on his face. Another issue is that he has always done math in his head (despite constant requests by his math teacher to show his work). His teacher feels he is 'highly capable' in math, but that the lack of showing work is as the problems become more difficult is causing him to make errors and not see them. She also says he seems unfocused and doesn't have the mental energy to do the work at times. I will add that he struggles to fall at sleep at night and gets 8 hours sleep, 8.5 on a good night.
I'm just so stressed that we didn't have him tested earlier. We are in a private school and busy trying to figure out what the best fit high school will be. Thanks again.