St pauli girl- test was WISC-IV, but our evaluator characterized as HG. Also, he went from miserable (refusing to go to school) to more compliant this year (so maybe more HG+?). Of course, he also tells me that he really doesn't like school at all and that he looks forward to his computer time. He is playing my husband's simulation games these days. So, maybe I just want some happiness and normalcy for him *sigh*
Anyway, he came home from school today and reported that he got a 21"something" on the MAP. He also described it in detail, which I found very amusing. I think that is 99 for 2nd grade, but 95 for 3rd. So I think that means a good placement? Any insight on that is most welcome.
Last edited by MidwestMomof4; 10/19/11 05:00 PM.