Originally Posted by Coll
Instead of asking for differentiation, can you ask that she be moved to 1st grade for math? We asked the school to do a math assessment for DS6 at the beginning of kindergarten, and requested he be moved to 1st grade for math. Timing worked out so that he got K math too. No one voiced concerns about gaps, because he passed the assessment; but getting the K math would have addressed those concerns if they had been concerns for us.

Never thought of that, that may be a possibility. Is there a standard assessment that they can do that will tell them if she could handle the 1st grade math class? Again, I have this fear that maybe she is average and that I just think everything she does is wonderful b/c she's my dd.... kwim?

Today I did vaguely ask her more about her class to try and get a feel for how things are, what she does in class, etc... she says in math they have 'math monsters' which are + and -. I asked if she does any written work during math and she said no, that they just watch a math video or play. And she told me during writing workshop (when they write in their journals) she gets bored and that the kids draw mostly in their journals but she will write stories.

Last edited by mimmy03; 10/17/11 07:04 PM.