Originally Posted by Mag

Based on our experience, it is never too early to ask and pave the road for future accommodation. Having said that, what kind of vibes are you getting from your DD's teacher? Is she open to suggestions or someone who prefers status quo? Have you noticed any other children in the class who are also good in math, thus the teacher can teach to a group? (Easier to sell the idea to the teacher if there are more than one child that will benefit from the differentiation.)

As for your school's gifted program.... Does it offer math differentiation in 2nd grade (ability grouping for math classes)? Or, is it a pull-out once a week for an hour program? It might be worthwhile to "bump" into the GT teacher when you are volunteering and find out more about the program.

Have a dedicated notebook and start jogging down notes. Hopefully your journey will be a smooth sail.

Good luck,

I've noticed her teacher is a little shy or socially awkward. To others she may come off as rude (unsocial) but b/c I'm also shy and somewhat socially awkward I can understand why she is the way she is, if that makes any sense. Observing her in class I can tell she really loves the kids and working with them. But b/c she's hard to read I don't know how she'd respond to me making suggestions. I have yet to see any math work in the classroom. They do have a math center but it is just something the kids play with on their own and consists of things like dominoes and beads which they don't really use in any math way. They just sort of play with them and build things. So I can't say how the other kids compare in math.

In reading there is only one other kid that I've noticed that can probably read at the same level as my daughter. There may be a few more but the majority of the kids can't read at all.

The gifted program isn't a pull out program but rather is an actual gifted class with only gifted kids in it. So they have 2nd/3rd graders together, 4th/5th, and then 5th/6th.