Kriston, I have several thoughts.

I am going to be in the same situation next year because I think my DS7 will test into the GT program whereas his older brother did not due to 2e issues. So do I not let DS7 be in the program because I don't want to hurt DS10's feelings? That wouldn't be fair to DS7 - he is his own person and I have already explained the 2e stuff to DS10. Your DS's are younger so that makes it harder.

My younger sister was higher IQ than me but I never felt in any way inferior to her. In fact, I felt decidedly superior, I'm ashamed to admit, because of her general spaciness (she's definitely NOT an INTJ). I was also extremely jealous of her just for being born and I know if my mom had home schooled her and sent me off I would have been traumatized. However, acs noted that she would have had the opposite reaction.

I was discussing my almost 3 year old nephew with his mother yesterday and she said she had already taken him to a visual specialist to check out some potential visual tracking problems. She said the specialist goes to her church and recommended her bringing him in as well as her almost year old daughter who appears to have some eye problems as well. So if you think your DS3 might have some sort of visual issue (and I believe we've discussed that before) it might not be too early to have it checked out. I'd just be sure to take him to a specialist as regular eye doctors don't seem to catch these things. (now I'm just remembering what I think we've discussed in previous posts - I apologize if I've remembered wrong)

Mainly I think you will have to take your DS's general personalities, relationships, etc. into consideration when making your decision. He might be like acs and be thrilled to go to school or he might not. He is definitely GT anyway so all of this might not even be an issue in the future but I understand your wanting to think about it now.

Don't know if this helps or not but I am sure you will make the right decision when the time comes. We all know you're a fantastic mother!

kcab - I need to read that book. My boys tend to fight more than I wish they would. They are so very different.