when she was an infant, I was surprised, even startled, when she said "bigger" words very clearly. I actually thought I was hallucinating since it never occured to me that an infant could repeat words the way she did, but I didn't think of it in terms of intelligence yet. At about 18 months, it was hard to ignore that she was making big leaps ahead of other kids (knowing letter sounds, complex shapes, one to one counting) and by 2.5 she was reading, began writing, drawing. It was starting to be clear that she was a bright child, but I think it was at 3 that I started to think she might be gifted. Even now, at 5 years 3 months, I go back and forth between denial and certainty. Even with testing clearly showing she is gifted, there are times I think that isn't accurate and that the test was a fluke.