Ok, I'm going back to the original question.

Amy, I was in a similar situation to you where my child was denied services but it turns out he is a 2e and when I went with all my research and excitement over being able to discuss this, I was met with a brick wall and a "why do YOU need him labeled GT. What's in it for YOU?" To say I felt I'd been slapped in the face would be an understatement.

The best advice I got was from this board and it was to really examine whether the program was worth the fight or not. He's already in a accelerated magnet program and the GT program is just a 1 hour a week pull out and I have decided the GT teacher is an idiot (she's the one with the above comments) so I decided that it was not worth the fight. My child's needs are currently being met. He has a fabulous teacher who gets his problems and is encouraging and supportive and he is thriving. And that for me, is enough for right now.

So I guess my advice is the same as others here have given, really assess the situation and decide if the program is worth it and whether her needs are currently being met or not. And then you can decide whether it really is worth your fighting it or not.

Good luck!!! smile