My DH is my trouble in the holey apparel department. I learned that I shouldn't *ask* if it's okay to get rid of the underwear with the gaping holes by the elastic waistband; I should just toss 'em!


Originally Posted by kimck
And the time machine refernce is adorable! How GT is that? smile

Actually, he's the one I'm not sure is GT, since he's not yet reading, etc. More denial, huh? I admit that after the HG+ one, my GT-radar may be a bit off...

Oh, and when I told DS3 that we couldn't buy a time machine because they don't exist IRL, he fell apart all over again. He decided he was going to go out to the garage and build one. "When you grow up," I told him, "but not now."

Ah, the tears when I refused to let him loose in Daddy's workshop alone! The tragedy!

Who does that?
