I like that post La Tex. Helicopter vs Free Range?

It is amazing where they come up with this kind of stuff. I still think about listening to a Bill Cosby reoord (for those who do not know, comediens did make records, black flat things) and he talked about the need to go out to the wood shed and do a whooping because kids needed to know right from wrong.

We don't spank but I was spanked. And maybe there is something to consequences. And gifted kids? I do talk to my child about all these things but I notice her taking more risks and my consequences need to get more strident. Gifted or not, it is the kid.

Had a conversation with a mother yesterday, we had movie night at school, and she mentioned that she was sure her 14 year old was not doing the friends with benefits thing or having sex, yet she said in the next breath, that she had sex at 15. And I was wondering if her mother knew that?

This has nothing to do with the parenting study in Montreal and I agree, show some legitimancy before I waste my time. But I am at burnout. Just moved 9 days ago, had DD's birthday party today and the movie night yesterday, while juggling other things. Would love to sack out like DH but I have to walk the dog first.
