Yeah, I'd like to hear the answer to what you find out. Omg I've got so many questions. What's an adjustments needs? Nevermind, I just googled and it's a type of in-class differentiation. Parent of a pre-k and a toddler here, so I can't help your study. Parenting styles is addressed in James Webbs "Parenting the Gifted Child"... There's permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative. Authoritative is the one to use for gifted children. I think they mean like Cesar Milan as the pack leader. He's never cruel but always asserts that he's the pack leader. There's a program called "Get Off Your Butt Parenting"�. That sounds good. I haven't tried it out yet.
Helicopter vs free-range? Depends on the kid, their age, the time and place.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar