Originally Posted by Val
I don't agree that kids are smarter today. Rather, I think they're better prepped for an easier SAT.

I think you are correct, but there is a population of educated and affluent parents that is more "hands-on" and academically focused in their childrearing than parents were 30 years ago, and they use the Internet (for example this forum) to find opportunities for their kids (such as Johns Hopkins summer programs) and their high incomes to afford them. Their children may thus be able to accomplish more (or at least assemble more impressive resumes) before entering college. My parents did not try to advance me in math before a summer program prior to 7th grade, and they knew about it only because I had a math prodigy friend. Now anyone interested can learn about EPGY, AOPS, Singapore math, etc.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell