Illinois has no requirements for gifted. They provide no funding. Our school district does have a magnet program that starts in third grade. The gifted programs in the schools have been cut back though. Our GATE teacher is split between 3 schools. One school gets her 3 days a week (they have 35 students in the program) and the other 2 schools get her 1 day each )they each have 9 students in the program). Last year we had her 3 days a week . This year just 1 frown .

Originally Posted by WorkingMom
It's happening in our area. Think parents would pay for gifted programs after school for our kids?

We would pay for it but the state would say no. We tried it with all day kinder garten and the state jumped in and said if one school has it all schools in the district get it. AND it couldn't be parent paid because that would discriminate.. even though there were provisions in place for scholarships for low income families.