Originally Posted by Syrenmom
For more information, his score on the MAP tests; Math 224/96 percentile, Reading 218/96 percentile, Language usage 222/97 percentile, General Science 211/94 percentile, Concepts and Processes 209/96 percentile.
I'm wondering if those percentiles are national or for his school? Do you think your school has 4% of kids in his grade scoring as high or higher than he is? If so, can there be some flexible grouping for all those kids to get their reading/Math/LA/Science together with a teacher who can teach to their readiness level? If not, would your son have more academic peers in the next classroom up.

I'd focus on those MAP scores and if they are acurate (was he encourage to just hit the 'I don't know' button to get the test to end? It can go on quite a long time in some circumstances!) because MAP scores come with info to help teachers know 'what to teach next to this particular student.'

Best Wishes,

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