Originally Posted by Syrenmom
But, right now I feel like the more I fight the more they drag their heels.
Do you think I should keep fighting to have him "formally identified"?
It can be frustrating - but imagine how hard they would drag their heels if you gave up asking entirely.

My experience is that it's sort of like that in the beginning - the harder you fight the more they drag their heels, until finally a certian lightbulb goes off and they start to recognize that your kid does have special educational needs and then work with you.

Given that someone at your school thinks that there is a law that ID must be in 4th grade (LOL - I'll bet a dollar that's not true) I think that makes it even more important that you keep up the advocacy efforts.

It may help you to 'reframe' your activity as 'asking questions' and 'advocate' rather than 'fight' - theoretically all the adults are on the same side - the side of making things go well for your child. It may help.

It is frustrating that your son is having trouble getting his academic needs met at school. It's normal, but still has lots of downsides, that he is having behavior issues over it.

I would keep advocating, for your son's sake, and for the sake of the teachers who have to try and 'manage him.'

((shrugs and more shrugs))

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