Originally Posted by Grinity
I agree! What are they called 'as a group?'
I believe that the publishers call them school ability tests or group ability tests. I guess that this just makes it a matter of semantics in that "ability" and "intelligence" may be different ways of saying the same thing. However, the FAQs for the CogAT state:

Is CogAT an IQ test? Are SAS scores IQ scores?

No. CogAT measures students' abilities ... developed through experiences in school and outside of school...

...the notion of IQ comes from an earlier set of procedures for indexing the rate of mental development. CogAT does not use these procedures. The SAS scale used on CogAT provides normalized Standard Age Scores for that fraction of the population that attends school. Although SAS scores are very helpful for professionals, nonprofessionals can confuse them with IQ scores, so they are generally not reported to parents and lay organizations.

I don't know quite what it is they are aspiring to measure, honestly, b/c there are correlation studies btwn IQ tests and tests like the CogAT. If they aren't aiming to measure the same thing (intelligence), I don't know why they even look @ the correlation.

ETA: Is this the article 'gifted today not tomorrow?'
Yep, that's it.