St.Pauli- I'm glad coming out of my parenting closet made you feel better :-) I grew up in a house of computer programmers. I know that my kid is going to be able to break any sort of parental controls in under 5 minutes. It made a lot more sense to go proactive and start a dialogue early with him. He is a kid that responds well to clear rules and won't even click "ok" to run a Windows update without checking with me first.
Hee hee. I'm just glad you make it all sound so reasonable!

No computer programmers in our house (well, I did take BASIC in high school!), but my DS is nearly as technologically advanced as we are, so we had similar thoughts about his ability to get around any controls we had. We also had a few viral attacks on our PC in the last few years, so DS is also extremely careful to not click on anything that pops up (even though we now have a Mac to avoid some of our virus issues). I do like that we have had many discussions about what's appropriate on the internet. We had very interesting talks about why people would create viruses, etc.