Hello Bookratt,

I attended such a school many years ago in South America, an American International school. I was there from 5th grade through 12th. My younger sister was there from K-12. I can say that I have no idea if there are any laws regarding G&T in those schools. But my guess would be that they are like private schools in the US, each has it's own view of gifted and are not subject to the public school regulations. Some believe all kids have the potential to be gifted (very much the IB philosophy in younger years)
I did not know what gifted was nor was I tested in that school. Since I first tested my son about a year and a half ago for the first time have I learned what gifted is, how IQ score work, etc.
It was never discuss with us as students and as far as I know never with my parents. It was more like a prep school. In high school we had AP classes and the IB program began in my senior year. I remember that there were a handful of very bright student, and the year ahead of me had about 10 out of a class of 50 who went to Ivy's and MIT, Stanford and the likes. I never heard anyone use the word gifted while I was there, even though knowing what I know now there were a couple who were PG and several gifted.
I myself am probably gifted with a auditory processing disorder and sensory issues, which I also recently just learned about. I remember when I was in 5th grade it was a big adjustment having just moved there but I want to be moved into 6th because I felt I wasn't being challenged.
All that said, you should take all the information you can about your son and try to negotiate the best you can for him there with the data to back it up. I'm in the US and they have gifted program, but where I am they pretty much one grade ahead and it's not enough for my son. So I'm preparing to go to the school with all the data and info I have and see what can be done for him. My son's school gifted coordinator actually said to us in a meeting that he has to learn that he can not always go at his own pace. In actuality he never has gone at his own pace.

Good luck and get as much info as you can about his strengths and weaknesses.