Originally Posted by DeeDee
Melmichigan, who did the eval? Was it just an IQ test, or more extensive?

Have you ever had a full workup by a neuropsychologist? Honestly, "give her a calculator" makes me think you need another expert's strategic opinion. That is strange and suspect advice, if that was the extent of it.


This is a neuropsychologist who did the eval. I haven't seen the final report yet, just had a follow up meeting to discuss the overall test results. The emphais was on her inability to see the "big picture" (although at this age we are teaching details), poor executive functioning skills, the difficulties with low WMI and PSI versus her GAI, and that she is an auditory learner. The psychologist who did her testing before said R/O CAPD, and felt she was an underachiever, but at the time she didn't read. So basically they are telling me this is all CP related and she just has to be taught to deal with it, which I find troubling.

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