Originally Posted by La Texican
Here's a regular wiki link to "learning styles"
I don't know what you want to do about things that already have a wiki page.

If a topic's relevant to giftedness, it should be in the gifted wiki. There will be extra useful info on the topic that relates to giftedness that could never appear in Wikipedia, and we don't have to duplicate the work of Wikipedia editors on every page (note that we should not copy Wikipedia articles wholesale into the gifted wiki either, though we might include links to some of them).

With respect to learning styles, I think personally that there's such a welter of them, with such an apparent lack of scientific support, that as a major topic it might not work. I don't see learning styles as a general topic come up (much) in discussions here and elsewhere, nor most of the ones cited in that article. What I do see is occasional discussions about a child being visual-spatial instead of auditory, etc. So there's something there that should probably wind up in the wiki, but probably not a full explanation of every Ph.D. candidate's newly minted learning style theory.

I know that's not perfectly helpful. But in the end, the thing is that you can't screw things up badly if you think you've found a standard term for a topic of interest to the gifted community, make a page titled after that term, and do your best. Other editors will follow along later and improve the articles anyway, once the wiki starts to thrive.

Last edited by Iucounu; 07/24/11 07:41 AM.

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