Originally Posted by Cricket2
Wow, I don't know if I'd be comfortable putting my dd in a spot where she'd be around the 70th-75th percentile. I was only comfortable with accelerating dd12 b/c she was going to easily be in the top 10% of the receiving grade and she actually wound up much higher than that once she got there.

I think it would make her feel pretty bad when she was used to being the top student in her grade in most subjects pre-skip.

You don't worry about perfectionism? Being in the second tenth from the top sounds like a normal and healthy adjustment to make.

Sweating your grade is an important part of education. I mean when we tell all the students in the school to try their best, there's usually a significant number of students who know that we don't mean *them*, that we want *them* to hold back. Giving a brilliant student some room to reach is a wonderful gift.