Originally Posted by AntsyPants
DS10 couldn't be mainstreamed in a regular public school program because he was so out there intellectually but (IMO) not socially & emotionally mature enough to be skipped during the early grades.

I feel similarly about my 10 year old. This lead to homeschooling for him starting as a 2nd grader. We could have done a 1 year skip, but that still wouldn't have come close to what we needed academically and he would have really resisted the additional output required. I'm still calling him the same grade because now I feel that we're going to cover every possible random topic we can because he doesn't seem driven and emotionally mature enough to go away to college early. If he comes to me in a couple years saying he'd like to do that, we'll re-evaluate.

All that be said, I know several HG+-PG kids locally that are still at grade level with enrichment or higher math. They're just the more easy going variety and tend to do a bunch of outside enrichment.

Originally Posted by Grinity
Here's the Grinity 'qucik and dirty' - "Is my kid ok? Test".

1) Child is happy. happy socially and happy to go to school and do the academics.
2) Child is willing to try new activities that that he doesn't easily excell at the very first 5 minutes.

Love this! Totally agree. I know we're making educational decisions based on "least worst" at that moment. Nothing is perfect.