I think up through second grade, you can still see some letter reversals and it's "normal." Probably going to an educational psychologist can help with the diagnosis of dyslexia. I think the WJ-III achievement test can help with the diagnosis of a learning disability (not necessarily dyslexia).
I"m a doctor and was shocked that my son's hearing loss was missed until I asked for an audiology exam half-way through kindergarten. I figure, if it could happen to us, it could happen to others.
I organized for two years free preschool hearing screening in our area. It's with a mobile audiology unit. We screened about 300 kids each year (kids at upper-middle class preschools mainly; kids who have health insurance). Shockingly, 10% had hearing losses that we picked up. Now, some could be temporary, etc., although we did test in May to try and avoid the flu/cold season.
My son in group situations was spacey and inattentive, until we got the hearing aid and now the FM system. It's been really amazing.