Jack'sMom - I can't find the reference I previously found to there being multiple valid versions of the RPM, but wikipedia does confirm that:


"In addition, "parallel" forms of the standard and coloured progressive matrices were published in 1998. This was to address the problem of the Raven's Matrices being too well-known in the general population. Items in the parallel tests have been constructed so that average solution rates to each question are identical for the classic and parallel versions. A revised version of the SPM - the Standard Progressive Matrices Plus - was published at the same time. This was based on the "parallel" version but, although the test was the same length, it had more difficult items in order to restore the discrimination that the original SPM had among more able adolescents and young adults when it was first published."

So as I said in my earlier post your son quite likely did do a different test but both may still be valid. From what I can make out the version on that site (and also this site: http://www.raventest.net/ - edited to add this version is not free, when you get to the end it will try to charge you to give a result, so don't bother unless you are willing to pay 9.50 euro) are the original/older version of the Raven's, using the same questions that make up 2/3s of the CPM test, of which there seems to be only one version.

There is no version of the Raven's with 50 questions, the standard version have 60 questions (and parallel and plus versions), the advanced has 48 questions. Maybe he did the advanced version?

The link to the newer norms are just that, newer norms. I am not sure how you can tell which version of the norms were used on your son unless they sent a norming sheet home? I have chosen to look at that chart because it's a harsher scoring than the one that is used on the spanish version of the test.

But ultimately it's a quick and free test that gives you a bit of an indication, it's not a full psychologist test.

Last edited by MumOfThree; 07/06/11 05:49 PM.