The principal at the school said she'd struggle based on her identification of letter names which was a bit off perfect when they saw her in February.


I remember that my dd's 3's preschool teacher told me that she could not read (despite the fact that she was reading since 2) because she did not know her letter sounds. I was a bit surprised and asked which letters she did not know and was told she "failed" C and U. When she got home I asked her what sound the letter C made and she said - well - that is what my teacher asked me but that is a hard one... C can say "cuh" like in cut, or "ssss" like in circus - I did not know what the right answer was - as you can imagine, it was similar with "U" ..."up" versus "unicorn" - yup- did not know her letter sounds.

Master of none - "not allowed to go above letter J in kindy" HA! Sad but funny - might be damaging!

As far as learning to read - I think that there are some regional/town differences. It seemed that about 25% of the pre-school 4's class was reading last year (basic stuff - bob type books) - but that could just be because I was noticing the readers.