Originally Posted by Shitu
I will check with his teacher.

He is already going to first grade class for the rest of the year, which is really helpful.
Excellent that he is already going to 1st grade. I don't think you'll have to do much. Since you are going to talk to the teacher, you might get suggestions for playdates to set up - ask which kids seem to enjoy your kid. Try to set up a few playdates with kids who will be in his class next year.

If the classes for next year haven't already been chosen, you can try saying this to the principle or teacher: 'We've noticed that he seems to enjoy other kids who love to read and love to ask a lot of questions. If it's possible, can you group a few of those sorts of kids in his class next year to help smooth the social transition.'

Apparently you can't just say "Please put some smart ones in with him!!!" but you can ask for 'kids who love to read' or 'kids who love to ask a lot of questions' and get the same result. ((wink))

A great book on how to help you son have great playdates:
"Friends Forever" by Fred Frankel.


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