Thank for the link to the PDF - I had been searching for SOMETHING that would tell me what we were looking at with respect to a comparison between the two tests! So clearly, she's in the predicted values range and that's very helpful to know. Really for my husband and I, it's about helping her "where she is" and not aspiring for her to be "something she's not". It seems there are many great gifted programs out there she's qualified for that could be advantageous to pursue. We'll have to look into those!

Originally Posted by Dottie
We never did master getting the school to completely work with us. For the most part, my kids have cheesy pullouts (it's a start) and full/subject acceleration. Getting in class differentiation has been more difficult, . Hopefully others will have more insights here.

Are the cheesy pullouts (love this term) the subject acceleration or are they accelerated in their respective classrooms? I'll have to search your posts and read your "backstory"! FWIW - for those of us who are newbies and totally lost - spending time reading through this board is invaluable - IMO!