Yesterday DS went to shadow. He actually got to visit all three 6th grade classes. When asked how it went, he said, "Great!" and went on that he wanted to go to one of the classes whose teacher offered a lot of flexibility and let students choose a project that they are most interested in. "So I don't have to do work that is boring me to death!"

Yesterday, his current teacher shared her own observation. She thinks that he would be better off not skipping. She believes that even in 6th grade, the school will accommodate to challenge him in his strong subjects (math and science). But most importantly, she observes that his current class has a lot more in common with him, in interest and they as a group are stronger academically). Socially, he is very comfortable with his current friends (of course!). She's afraid that he will lose the confidence if he skips and surrounded by new people. She taught the current 6th graders last year and so she knows these students really well.

Given this last information and knowing how reluctant he still is, maybe we really should just him stay in 6th grade, as long as he can continue to be accelerated in math and science? We'll meet with the Principal on Tuesday. If only there is a way to look into a crystal ball to see if this is the right decision... but I don't have one, and I only have this Board! smile