Originally Posted by Bostonian
Mr. Schmidt thinks algebra is not for pre-pubescent children: "There is an old saying that you shouldn't start algebra until you have hair under your arms. A child's brain needs to develop physiologically before tackling the abstractions that algebra contains." http://www.stanleyschmidt.com/FredGauss/32%20pre-algebra.html . I disagree with him and buy his books for my 7yo boy anyway.
Waiting for that specific part of puberty would exclude even my non-mathy dd12 at this point and she did just finish accelerated Algebra I in 8th grade with an A in the class. I can't see waiting for specific physical development to ascertain when my dc is ready for a certain academic subject. Some kids are hitting puberty really young and some are physically later bloomers. Does that make kids who are in precocious puberty smarter or more abstract thinkers than kids who hit it at a typical time or later?