Originally Posted by ginger234
Does anyone have any good resources for my 12 dd who is a gifted dyslexic going into Honors Algebra next year? Her class started the Algebra book the last quarter of this school year & she is doing okay except for the whole concept of positive & negative integers. She just cannot wrap her brain around it. She also has difficulty when someone tells her to move to the left or right, so I'm not entirely surprised. But I've tried a number of different methods of explaining (I'm an Algebra teacher) & she is going to her teacher for tutoring. But she is so frustrated!!! And I hate to see her like this.

Hi ginger234
I know your daughter's pain - I was not diagnosed until college when matricies became my downfall - rows and rows of numbers, it was horrible. And while I am great at navigating from maps, I often say right while pointing left - my body gets it correct - I meant left but said right. So frustrating to know what you mean and get it wrong anyway or to not get it because your brain just goes a different way!

So I am so glad that you and she are able to identify what the trouble is and seek help for it! That said I only have a teensy bit of help which someone here offered on some other thread - or maybe it was in the Basher math book I got for my son - not sure but anyway - think of an apartment building. The lobby is zero, all the positive numbers are the floors up - the basement, subbasement, cellar, etc are the negative numbers, the floors down below the lobby. Might help with the brain wrapping - operationalizing of course will be another story.

