Funny story about breaking the 4th wall Grinity! Poor kid.

I'm thinking that my DS7 chooses (or chooses to pretend to believe) in Santa and the Easter Bunny, because it's fun and results in goodies. I remember when DS was 2, and we took him to the local Easter egg hunt. There was a very tall guy in an Easter bunny suit. We didn't really say much, except asking if he wanted to go get a treat from the Easter bunny. He told us that was just a guy in a bunny costume. So, we never experienced our kid thinking that people in costume were the real deal. Except maybe for a couple really real looking Santas with real beards.... (For some reason, DS also thinks Disney World is for girls, so we've never had the urge to go if the kid isn't interested. Must be all that pink princess stuff.)
We have kept the magic of Santa alive for DS, but not cartoons or TV. DS was also a fan of scooby doo early on. Being awful parents, we sometimes said at the "scary" parts, "Oh, no! This must be the last episode. Looks like the creeper's going to get scooby this time." DS would always just smile and say that there is never going to be a last episode.