Hmm, funny, I like funny, too!

Well, we haven't read these yet (just ordered some of them for Groucho's birthday), but maybe these might work? The reviews SAY they're funny, so we'll see:

Tim Wynne-Jones, Rex Zero series
Alan Cumyn, Owen Skye series

A couple I've already mentioned on other threads are Polly Horvath's The Pepins and their Problems (Horvath's The Trolls and Everything on a Waffle are also funny in many spots, but are books of more serious intent than the Pepins) and Helen Cresswell's Bagthorpe books--good and funny.

Also, does your guy know the MT Anderson books? (Whales on Stilts, Case of the Linoleum Lederhosen, etc.--rather bizarre, kind of spoofs of Tom Swift-type adventures--maybe fun for him?)

I'll give it some more thought...(actually, I'll just pick the kids' brains!)