There is obviously a deep source of angst about this topic, and it's understandable. Anyone who sends their kid off to college at age 15 or younger is going to be seen as pushing their child by some administrators or the jealous/competitive parents we all write and read about here from time to time, and maybe even seen as damaging their child in some way. It's bound to make people a bit touchy and defensive.
Then E Mama's post came in with some judgmental-sounding language, with (in my humble
opinion) predictable results. To a lot of folks here it seemed like she was picking on people who send their kids off to college early. I think in the end E Mama is a class act, who merely touched on a hot-wire issue by voicing her own somewhat strong opinion, and did her best to clean things up in the end. There's nothing really wrong with conviction, just as there is not with making one's best attempt at solving educational problems for outlier kids-- and I bet that if everyone here had been in the same room, with benefits of voice inflection and body language, things would have de-escalated much sooner.
I agree with you about opinions not being out of line here. I don't think Grinity would generally scold someone for voicing an opinion, though. She tries to step in when she thinks people are getting too aggressive or insulting with each other.
(My opinion is that everyone's emotional IQ could use a boost here. I am wholeheartedly of the opinion that all of us in this thread could, with the proper training, become emotional geniuses enough to never take offense in any such thread.

Will we ever discover those perfect teaching methods? Perhaps not. Until then, we limp along as well as possible. I think some good points were made, along with the distressful statements.)