There is so much more to life but I am not sure school is expected to teach all of what you mention. In my head, a lot of the rules comes from things I remember my parents said to me.

Making me read a map at 5 and telling me I can get to anywhere from anywhere, I just have to find the path. Even how to bargain, set your price and walk. I did that with DD6 when we were in Egypt a few weeks ago. She saw them put the stuff away and say no and then when I was walking down the street they ran after me and agreed. Little things but all those things add up.

Taking her snorkeling and seeing how much there is underwater. No school is going to do that for 4, 5 and 6 year olds. Walking the dog through the woods after dinner and looking for monarch caterpillars on milk weed. Showing her why they call it milk weed. All of it, makes you see the big picture. It is a way of all the little things. As much as these schools like Speyer profess to teach our gifted kids the big picture, I think it is a day to day habit we teach our kids. Just like our kids tend to walk like we do. Watch parents and older children and you will see a very similar walk.

What school is going to teach my kid to trade in 7th grade. I can do that. Not that gifted schools are not good in many ways and they are all different. But as I mentioned about that kid in 11th grade at Hunter finishing math at Columbia. He was Hunter elementary reject. So what is the peer group? I only hope for the best and try what is available and supplement.
