Originally Posted by MidwestMom
So, at what level would you expect a child to belong? My personal rule of thumb is to try to have my DDs taught at a level where they're around the 90th percentile. DD#2 fits well into her current grade. For DD#1, however, I've only met my goal for gym class.

That sounds about right, and my understanding of what the numbers mean is what Val is saying.

It frustrates me no end that Psychoeducational Evaluations are so far apart from helping Parents know what to do or Schools know what to do with the child in front of them. Achievement tests with wacky grade equivalents are one part of it.

Personally, I think all Psychoeducational Evaluators should take down their shingle until
1)they have gone around and viewed all the schools within 40 minutes of where their clients come from
2)they have build advocacy relationships with all the schools and all the districts
3) they get curriculum specialists on staff that can analyze what a child's skill level is in reading and math in a deep way. Is the child following the expected developmental path of learning, or some unique path? How does this child learn best - by reading? by listening? by talking?
4) develop some deep way of evaluating a child's social skills with peer and with adults. Is the child somewhere on the expected developmental path or on some unique path? What strenghts can be used to overcome the weaknesses?
5) study up on multiple exceptionalities, and especially how they present in females.

That would do it.

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