Whew. Thanks for clarifying. It did confuse me that you'd give me the link but make mention of that. Yes, the link was VERY helpful-that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
It really stinks that we each have to go to such lengths to advocate for our kids-no matter where they are re: intelligence.

I think my hesitancy to any of the testing is a. my child is very strong willed (he refused to participate w/ the first psych..see my prior posts for that disaster) and b. that I would hate to be thought of as a parent who "bought their score"/"bought their way into a program"---I've even heard some moms (with kids in the GAT K class this year) boast that they don't have to worry about staying in the program b/c they've "already bought their score" (makes my stomach turn..) Can't imagine what college admissions/SAT testing will be like. wink
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there advocating for their babies smile