Oh, no! I am so, so, sorry if you felt that I was saying that you were going to use this to prep your child. I was mostly responding to your comments in the initial request expressing surprise about the wide availability of practice problems and other "test prep" information on sites like testingmoms, and to the initial suspicion that your request here was greeted with. I answered your question about why there isn't much information out there on the RIAS: because it isn't amenable to "gaming". I was actually commiserating with you. I also wanted to be sure that, in the event that someone who WAS looking for "prep" information happened across the thread later on, reasons why using this information in that way is a bad idea were in close proximity to the information on the nature of the test.

I went and found you the link to the information that you asked for, which I certainly wouldn't have done if I thought you were going to misuse it, so I thought it would be clear that I understood your desire to have more information so that you could make an informed decision, and that I didn't think that you were in the group of parents who would try to use the information improperly. I had read your post about the first testing session, and I really felt for you. I think it is ridiculous that gifted programs operate on a competitive basis instead of on an entitlement basis. Again, I am very sorry you felt criticized. I hope the link was helpful.