I used to live in Charlotte so let me fill you in. The gifted program in the public schools is really nothing. I have a feeling it will not fill your needs. All of the magnet schools have a HUGE number of applicants and it is a lottery. Even the gifted magnets that have score requirements always receive a lot more applications than they have spots so you can not count on getting in to one of those programs. Early entry is frowned upon in CMS but can be accomplished IF the principal is willing. Those who have succeeded have a lot of testing data and a willing principal. Even with all the data in the world, some principals will not do it. CMS (like many other systems) is definately having its share of problems (again, like many others). It is one of the largest systems in the country and all of the schools are large (there were almost 1000 kids in my daughter's k-5 school). I have some friends that have had good luck with private schools but not necessariy with gifted kids. Let me know if I can answer any specific questions!
