Hi! I need some guidance.

We are currently living in Ohio looking to move to better weather. We have decided to look at a couple areas in NC. Charlotte is seeming like the front runner right now. We have to visit the area of course, but on paper, and from talking to friends in the area, it's looking good. I have a EG DS 4.5. We were originally going to try to move down there in august, so that DS could start school in the fall.
Here's the problem I'm running into, right now, he is accepted for early k here. We had already decided to send him there next year.
I talked to the gifted coordinator of the Charlotte school system to see what our schooling options are. They have a gifted program in the public school system, but it doesn't start until second grade. They will do some enrichment in K and first, but it's probably not going to meet DS needs. They will early enroll kids, but its up to the principal at each individual school. So we would need to move there, and then find where his base school is and ask that principal.
There is also a gifted magnet program. It's harder to get into than the Regular gifted program. It sounds awesome, there are only about 12 kids in each class, and that is with a teacher and an aid! The curriculum is highly individualized, it sounded like there were pretty much individual lesson plans. I'm pretty sure DS could get in to that school, they require a Stanford Binet score of 145+, he took the WPPSI and his FS IQ was 139, so I'm hoping he would do well on the SB5. The problem with this school is they will not do early enrollment. I asked her if he could do K elsewhere and then transfer to the magnet for first, and she said that is allowed. However, I'm learning that the Charlotte school system is having some problems, and magnets are in jeopardy.
So here are our choices,
A. Stay in ohio for another year and have DS complete K, and then move next summer. This is probably the best option, because we do have some things that we would have to come back for if we left now. (weddings, etc)
B. Move this summer, and try to early enroll him in public k, and hope he's not too bored. We could then try to get him into the gifted magnet for first.
C. Move now and either send him to preschool next year or keep him home next year, and then start him at the gifted magnet the following year, which is the year he's technically supposed to start.
D. Something else that I didn't think of, Homeschool maybe?
thank you for your help, I'm completely overwhelmed right now!
ETA: Please excuse my typos, on my ipad.