At our school, you'd have to have it specifically stated that the child has a one-on-one aide who will go to every single class with him. My son's IEP says he will have "paraprofessional support in the classroom." They can interpret that any way they want. It can mean he has his own aide, it can mean there's one aide for 5 sped kids in the room, it can mean the aide goes with him to other classes...or not. We did not know enough (because last year my son had his own aide) to make sure everything was spelled out very specifically. They changed it up on us without notice this year yet were no in violation of the IEP because that part of the IEP is too vague. Lesson learned!

If I had only this one child, I would find a way to homeschool. But I have another child with totally different needs, and there is only one me. It's a bummer.