
I appreciate your thoughts. Truly though, I believe it is just the fear of the unknown that is getting in his way. He can feel successful about his performance in the teen group production, but community theater is a big question mark to him. He's seen some productions there, and he knows the stage and seating, but the whole backstage world is mysterious and scary. Ds tends to be anxious before new things, but he is very quick to acclimate once he is there. Last night, for instance, I took him to visit a scout troop in a neighboring town, as he is about to cross over into Boy Scouts. He was very nervous beforehand, but about fifteen minutes in he joined the troop boys in their activities and by the time we left, he was laughing and joking with the other guys. We arrived home and he told Dad, "It was GREAT!" This is just so typical for him. I'm like this too, I think, but not as socially adept and so a bit slower to warm up to a new group.

I'm chuckling over your description of your son playing a woman. Was he the Fairy Queen?